Support Us

We are committed to making a positive impact on the lives of local people. Help us make a difference!

Amidst the challenges of the cost of living crisis, we’re committed to making a positive impact on the lives of local people. Help us make a difference!

Your generous donation will ensure that local people can continue to experience the magic of live performances without financial barriers. Your support strengthens our mission to keep tickets affordable for everyone. With your donation, you contribute to a community where the arts thrive and inspire.

You’ll bring joy, laughter, and connection to individuals and families who might not have experienced it otherwise.

Join us in making the arts accessible for all!

Your donation will go directly to subsidising the cost of shows put on by our incredible network of Community Promoters - amazing local people who make thrilling performances happen in their local communities with our support. The more we raise, the more we can subsidise events across the Black Country, which allows for low ticket prices and ‘pay what you can’ entry to more events.

Donate Now

Donations are processed by the Charities Aid Foundation - you will be redirected to their website.

  • Invaluable. The town needs more events like this.

    - Audience member

  • We thought it was accessible, inclusive and magical. A lovely time to share with children.

    - Audience member

  • Great to have stuff in the local area to attend.

    - Audience member

  • Very inspiring, great to attend a live arts event! Please put more on!

    - Audience member